Monday, October 9, 2006

Staying in

Allow me to take a moment to talk about my fabulous weekend! Friday night, after a particulary long day at work, I took the train to Breda and made it, for a change, very quickly there, as far as you can talk about quickly when you're travelling across the country. My boyfriend came to pick me up from the station and we had a nice beer at home, while watching a very funny Dutch movie called Loenatik (sic).

Saturday my in-laws came to pick us up and took us for lunch in this fancy hotel/restaurant in a forrest near Breda, which was great. I really like my in-laws (both his parents and his brother) so it's always a nice happening when we go out to eat. The weather was fine, albeit a bit chilly, so we had to lunch indoors, but that's fine.

Saturday evening, my boyfriend's best friend and his girlfriend came over, so we had to play the perfect hosts, which, in my humble opinion, we did very well. We had lots of nice things to eat and to drink, and I think they really enjoyed it. I know I did! After they left, we watched The Perfect Storm, starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg on DVD. Of course, E. fell asleep, but that's okay, since it gave me the opportunity to think about how happy I am. You know, just 5 months ago, my usual Saturday evening existed of clubbing all night long, and being quite pathetic, looking back on it. Nowadays, I'm a lot more comfortable with just staying in, have some people coming over, or just spend the evening on the couch, just the two of us. I felt, and feel, so lucky to have him as my boyfriend, and to be able to do these kind of things!

On Sunday, we woke up and my boyfriend made us a terrific breakfast, with a huge omelet. Yummy! We spend the day watching television and just basically enjoying each other's company, making me feel a bit sad having to leave late in the afternoon. Still, even before I got back to Groningen, I had him on the phone already, knowing that another great weekend has passed. I can't wait for next Friday, when I see him again!

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