Friday, October 6, 2006

I like it this way

I'm a very happy camper, cause tonight I will finally see my boyfriend again. It's been a week since we've seen each other, and I can't wait to get to Breda after work. Of course, it's going to be an awfull long train ride, but that doesn't matter that much, since I will be able to listen to some music and read some books in the meantime. And of course, when I get there, I will have forgotten all about it, being happy to see E. again!

We don't have any big plans for this weekend, which is a good thing for me, seeing that I'm kind of budgetting this month. Tonight we're just going to watch a movie, and tomorrow some friends of his come over.

It's funny to see that before I met E., I was constantly clubbing on weekends (as you can see by checking back in the archives of this blog), while currently I very rarely club, and when I do, it's with E. Lately, I much rather prefer doing something fun at home, having a drink, inviting some friends over, or having a dinner party. Does this mean I'm getting old, or is it just that clubbing is much less fun when you're not in the business of flirting anymore? Maybe it's a combination of both, but anyway, I like it this way!

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