Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Exciting day

My boyfriend's going to his new school today for the first time, and I'm really anxious to hear how it went! I'm really proud of him for going and taking so much care in preparing himself! He's been busy since last Sunday for just the first class, and I can understand perfectly why he makes such a big deal out of it! In just about an hour I can call him to ask him all about it and I just can't wait! I'm absolutely sure he will do more than fine but it's just very exciting to hear it from himself!

Meanwhile, my day has just been fine, albeit a bit busy. I'm generally not very happy about days consisting of just meetings all day long, but today it wasn't very bad at all. Tomorrow I'm planning on having a meeting with my manager (if she can find the time, I haven't asked her yet), so let's see what will happen then.

All in all, an exciting day!

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