Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ditch day

There's a long day ahead of me at work today, and I'm not really into it, especially since I already know that tomorrow will be an equally draining day. It's not like I'm tired or anything, cause I went to bed quite early yesterday, but it's just a general feeling of not really getting the hang of it. I'm already looking forward til six-ish very much, so that I can go home and enjoy a relaxed evening.

Yesterday, my friend Niels ditched me (or, to be exact, he forgot about our hanging out together) so suddenly I didn't have anything to do. It didn't matter though, cause it was Thuesday night, which is the evening Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls are on Dutch television, and they happen to be two of my favourite shows, so I had a fun evening even though I was alone.

Went to bed at about 12 and had a very good night sleep, so I woke up fresh and shiny this morning. Now I'm at work, and I want to go home haha. I'm such a whiner...

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