Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Shopping sprea

Because of it being so hectic at work yesterday, I decided to start an hour early today, resulting in me leaving as early as 3 this afternoon, so I'm having half a day off. I've decided to go shopping this afternoon. Well, window shopping would be a better description, since I'm not actually planning on buying something, as I still feel the enormous amounts of money I've spend on Madonna's Confessions Tour. Still, it's of course always better than being at work, so I'll have fun no matter what.

It's amazing just how busy it actually was yesterday. It seemed like all of our customers had gone crazy all of a sudden. We barely managed to get all the work done, but in the end, we did, so we can be pretty proud of ourselves!

Back to work for me, seeing that I'm not around here much longer today!

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