Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Dear diary

As I wrote yesterday, I left work as early as 3, so I had a nice afternoon off. I went for a drink with my friend Annelies, with Sjeed and Roel joining us. Then, after dinner, I went to Annelies her house to watch Madonna DVD's, so it was a great evening as well.
Unfortunately, I'm always the one who has to leave early, because obviously I need to be at work the next morning. Never mind though, as it was still a great day.

Now that I'm at work, I'm happy to say that it's not nearly as hectic as it was on Monday and the start of Thuesday, so I'm doing my things at a more leisurely pace. I'm getting off work at 5 this afternoon, so there's a bit of an evening to be enjoyed, which I'm planning on doing with my friend Leendert.

Also, only two days left until I see my boyfriend again! I'm really missing him big time, so I can't wait to get to see him again. Sleeping alone has become a bit, I don't know, strange. I'm so used to having him wake up next to me in the morning, that I'm actually a bit sad on those days when he's not around. Lucky for me, just two nights without him!

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