Monday, October 2, 2006

The good life

It has been yet another great weekend for me and my boyfriend. On Friday evening he arrived, and we went straight to Marijn and Roel's graduation party, which proved to be a big hit. It was very crowded (in a good way) and there was loads of free beer, so that's always a garantee for a good evening.

Then on Saturday in the afternoon, we went for drinks with my co-worker Ziena and her boyfriend, which turned out to be a dinner party as well, ending with a movie at Ziena's place. The movie, Boogeyman, turned out to be not scary at all, but still, it was a very fun day.

Of course, on Sunday morning we had to watch Totally Spies on Jetix TV, a regular every weekend. Although it's a cartoon made for kids in their early teens, for some reason we're both very hooked on it, so that's always a good way to round up the weekend.

When my boyfriend left, I went for drinks at the Irish Pub with a couple of friends, after which I went home, watched some television, and went to bed early. All in all, a great weekend!

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