Friday, September 8, 2006

Dinner time

Tonight my boyfriend and I will go and have dinner with Bo and Annejet, in Bo's house in Utrecht, which is something I'm looking forward to very much, since I've been a bit of a bad friend and haven't visited his house yet, even though he lives there for quite some time now. I've spend the entire morning cleaning up E's house so that we're both free tomorrow to do fun stuff, instead of the usual cleaning up on Saturday. I wasn't a clean up person before, but now that I'm with E (who is obsessed with cleaning, but in a good way) I'm turning around a bit.

So now I'm in Breda's public library to check my email and relax a bit, before heading back to E's house, cause he will be off from work rather early today, so that we can head to Utrecht soon! I hate the fact that in juts two days, I have to head back to Groningen, since my holidays are over. I've gotten very used to waking up next to my boyfriend each morning, so I guess it will take a bit of adjusting now that we're going back to our weekend relationship. We really need to start living together soon, cause I want him to be around every day!

Anyway, I wish you all a great weekend! Cheers!

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