Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Back to basics

With all the tour madness behind me now, life is turning back to normal. I'm still having a couple of days off from work, so I'm still living with my boyfriend in Breda, who warmly took care of me while I was totally exhausted after those last two shows in Amsterdam. I'm still not doing perfectly well physically (especially my arms are still hurting) but I'm getting there, thanks to his kind help!

I have to say it's kinda nice to get back into a normal routine. Sleeping in a bed instead of a stadium parking lot is a good improvement, since I started feeling like a homeless person these past couple of weeks. Even better is sleeping next to my boyfriend, who, as a matter of fact, is my boyfriend for over three months now already. Oh how time flies when everything's going well. I still love him as much as I did in the first couple of weeks, or actually, I love him even more. I really start to believe that this could be for the rest of my life, or so I hope. We went watching for a home last week on the internet, and I have to say there are quite some places in Breda that I would really love to live with him in.

So to keep things short: everything's going fabulous and I'm still one of the happiest persons in the world. I hope all my readers are doing good as well!


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