Monday, August 14, 2006

How to spend a weekend without your boyfriend

So this has been the first weekend I had to spend without my boyfriend, since he's still on holiday with his brother. I miss him terribly, but the good thing is he calls me every day from Austria, and sometimes even several times per day. Thank God for cell phones, the greatest invention of all times!

As a result of him not being around, I had to find other ways to keep myself busy, which I managed pretty well. Friday night I went to Sjeed for a couple of beers, after which we hit the town. I got really loaded and had a great time. Saturday afternoon me and Anneke and Dirk had a drink, which was nice as well. Saturday evening Niels and Michael came over to my place. We were supposed to go out afterwards but I guess I'm growing old, cause I wasn't really into it, so I decided to stay at home and went to bed quite early for a Saturday evening. I guess I'm not really into clubbing anymore without E.

The good thing about going to bed early on Saturday, is that you don't have to spend the entire Sunday in bed. So what I did was, I went to my parents. The weather was great, so we spend the afternoon in my mum's garden. Sunday evening we watched Deep Blue Sea and Shrek 2, so it was a fun day.

Now it's back to work, for just one week. E. is coming back on Wednesday, so I'll be seeing him on Friday. Can't wait!!!

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