Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Calls from abroad

Sometimes it's hard to imagine E. and I have only been together for 2.5 months yet. As you know, he's still in Austria with his brother (coming back tomorrow) and he still calls me every day. He even called me this morning at 9 AM, when I was just about to get started with my job. Isn't that sweet? It's such a great thing to know there's someone thinking of you, even though he's in another country right now.

Besides that, I'm having a pretty good they at work. I'm doing job interviews with candidates all day long this week, which is a a nice diversion from my normal tasks. Makes the time goes by real soon as well!

Just got another call from E. He doesn't seem to realise I'm at work. Oh well, it's always a good thing hearing from him!

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