Friday, August 11, 2006

Bright and shiny

I had a good day yesterday! After work, I got a text message from Remco asking me to go for a drink with some friends, which I did. In fact, we had quite some drinks and had a good time. During this function, my boyfriend called me again from Austria, which of course made me very happy. He told me it's such a nice place where he is, that we need to visit it as well. I've never been to Austria, so this sounds like a very good idea to me!

When I got home I watched a bit of Madonna and then went to Cleopatra for some more drinks. Luckily I managed to get home in time, so I'm back at work now, bright and shiny!

I have to work until 6 today... so much for getting a jump start on the weekend. Oh well, I'm expected at Sjeed's house tonight, so there's something to look forward to.

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