Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Die bitch, die!

My my, yesterday evening I've watched what I think is one of the worst movies of all time, called House of Wax, starring (for the lack of a better term) Paris Hilton. My co-worker Ziena and I decided some time ago we really needed to see this one, and honesty expects me to say that we weren't actually thinking this would be a good movie, but nothing could have prepared us for the monstrous popcorn flick it turned out to be. I guess I should have known better, since E. already warned me, but knowing me, of course I had to see it for myself. The only good part of the entire movie was when Paris Hilton died in quite a gruesome way, but that scene in no way justifies having to sit through two hours of torture (no pun intended).

Despite the movie, we had a fun night. Ziena is definitely not just any co-worker; I consider her oneof my best friends, and I always enjoy hanging out with her. Her boyfriend is taking an internship, forcing him to live someplace else and being around only during the weekends, so on weekdays it's quite easy to meet up with her.

Speaking of boyfriends being away, mine is in Austria right now, spending a week on holiday with his brother. I could have gone with them, but it would just be too expensive with the Madonna shows coming up in just two weeks, so I decided to just stay at home, causing me to miss him like hell now, even though he's only been gone for a day. I wonder how I'll feel at the end of this week... I sure know I'll hug him to death when he gets back!

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