Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Happy holiday

As I promised yesterday, I'm going to tell you guys a little about my wonderfull vacation to Valkenburg today. For those of you that are not from Holland: Valkenburg is a small lovely village in the very south of the Netherlands, known for it's caves and mines. It's very tourist-ish nowadays, but there is this great sense of history all around town, so it's quite an interesting place to visit.

We stayed at a four star hotel, with extensive (and most likely expensive as well) diners every night. I'm very much in the market for dining out, so as you can imagine I was very happy with this, especially since we finished each diner at the bar, drinking heeps of beer and generally having a lot of fun. Oh and did I mention we had a great swimming pool in the hotel?

During daytime, we visited the mines, the caves, and this ridiculous theme park called Sprookjesbos. I guess when you're a toddler this can be very amusing, but we basically just had fun in insulting the park in all its unattractiveness, which was a lot of fun in itself, albeit not the kind of fun the management of the park had in mind probably.

We also went to a monk's convent, which was interesting to say the least. It made me feel very uncomfortable to invade their way of living, knowing that I would be able to walk out of what I can only describe as a prison, but then again, they choose for themselves to live there, so who am I to tell them off? At east now I know that a career in Catholicism is not in the cards for me.

Anyway, it has been a fantastic week, and all in all a whole different way in knowing E. since this marked the first time we have been together 24/7 for as much as 10 days. I'm happy to recall we didn't have a single fight, so I guess it's safe to say now that we do in fact make a great couple.

So now I'm back at work, but thank God it's only for two weeks. After that, I'm off for a three week break so that I can go to the Madonna Confessions Tour shows in Hannover, Paris, and twice in Amsterdam. E. is leaving tomorrow for a second vacation with his brother, so this is going to be a bit of a hard week missing him, but I'll get through it, and all in all, it will make me even more happy when he gets back.

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