Thursday, August 10, 2006

I feel love

Yesterday, while I was watching my fabulous new Confessions Tour bootleg dvd from Fresno California, my boyfriend called me twice from Austria, and then later on got online on MSN to chat with me. How great is that, he's on holiday and thinks about me all the time. I truly feel blessed with him, and very often I wonder how the fuck I deserve him. It's been only 2.5 months since I've met him, but I can honoustly say I can't imagine my life without him anymore.

The thing is, even though he's not around right now, it's such a fantastic feeling knowing that he exists and that he loves me, for me. It's been a long time (3 years, to be exact) since I've had that, so it can be a bit overwhelming every now and then, but overwhelming in a good way. Sometimes I really need to take a pause to just let it sink in. To actually believe that this wonderful, fantastic guy loves me and wants to be with me is just too hard to imagine at times.

So, even though this may come off as a bit of a sentimental blog entry, I just want to shout it out:


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