Monday, July 17, 2006


Back from another fun-filled weekend! I arrived on Friday, and we went to de Efteling on Saturday, where we got a pleasant surprise. It turned out the park was open until midnight, and there was all sorts of entertainment during the evening. So, after a long day of rides and lines (but not very long lines, even though it was a great summer day), we had ourselves a couple of beers and then went to the festival site were we had a lot of fun singing along with the entertainment (for the Dutchies among us, we saw Ali B. and Jamai).

After that, of course we were really tired, so on Sunday we decided nt to rise too early. When we finally woke up, we went for a walk in the forest (can you imagine me doing that? I really liked it!), and then had lunch with E.'s parents and brother, which was a lot of fun. We then headed for his parents house where we ate pncakes.

All in all, a great weekend. Too bad I'm back at work now...

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