Friday, July 14, 2006

Theme park heaven

Today is the first day this week that I can say I miss E. with a smile on my face, since in just a couple of hours my weekend will start, and I'll take the train to Breda to spend another weekend with him. Tonight we're going to have a drink with his brother, who comes over for a visit. I've seen his brother a couple of times now, and he's a really nice guy, so that will be fun.

Tomorrow we're going to De Efteling, which is the largest them park of Holland, situated just a 10 minute drive from E's house. I'm looking forward to that, cause as some of you might know, I'm a real coaster freak and this will be the first time this year I'll be in one. I heard on the radio that it's going to be a great day tomorrow, which is a bit of a mixed blessing. On one hand, it's good to have the sun, but on the other hand, shitloads of people will probably feel the same way so the park will most likely be packed. Never mind though, I really enjoy doing things with E, and visiting a theme park is something we haven't done before together.

I even don't mind the long train ride I have to take to get to him. I just plug in my discman and listen to my fabulous new Confessions Tour bootleg from Phoenix Arizona. That will get me through it I suppose!

So, as I'm certain my weekend will be a blast, I hope all of you will have a great weekend as well, and I hope to see you all back on Monday!

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