Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blistering heat

I'm not very good in adapting to heat, so this heat wave that's rolling over Europe isn't exactly helping my mood. As long as I'm at work, everything's fine thanks to God's gift called air conditioning, but as soon as I get home I feel like I'm walking into an oven. Yesterday I almost fainted because of the blistering heat, and I fear today will be no different. To make matters worse, there's construction going on in my house, so whenever I leve either my living room or my bedroom, I feel like I'm walking right into Hiroshima. Hopefully all this will end soon and we can all return to our normal self.

On the positive note, yesterday evening I went to see Anneke's new cats. They're ony 9 weeks old and very adorable. They keep playing with each other and running around the house, and they've got the cutest little faces. I'm not so much of a cat's person normally, since I'm allergic to them, but when they're little you just can't help but falling in love with them. Anyway, we had a good glass of wine on the balcony and watched them play, so I had a nice evening.

Tonight, right after work, I'm off to visit my sister, my brother-in-law and their kid (my nephew) who is now about a year and a half. I haven't been to their new place yet, but I'm told they have a nice garden so that will be a pleasant way to spend the evening I reckon.

And then of course there's E, with whom everything's still going fantastic, so no complaints at all on the romance front!

So there you have it, an update on how it's going with me. Let me know how you're doing by replying to this post. I always enjoy messages! Cheers!

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