Thursday, July 20, 2006

Liar cheater

Yesterday evening I talked to my boyfriend on the phone about TV shows like Temptation Island. As you may remember, I wrote about this show a couple of months ago, expressing my disgust. Well, E. was feeling just the same way about this. The reason we got on this subject, was because of Axe deodorant. Apparantly they've put up a website where people can post how they've cheated on their partner. What the fuck? Since when has cheating become something you brag about? To me, cheating is an absolute no no, and would I ever caught my boyfriend in doing so, the relationship would be over in a second, but at this site it is seen as a very hotshot kinda thing to do.

The same goes for shows like Temptation Island. It seems as if we're glamourizing cheating in such a way that it becomes acceptable to society. There may come a time where you go to functions and don't fit in being faithfull to your partner. I just simply don't get this. I for one don't even think about deceiving my boyfriend, let alone go through with it. I mean, when you feel it necessary to cheat on you man or woman, then doesn't that mean there's something very wrong in your relationship in the first place? Why stay with someone when it's plain he or she is not enough for you? But most of all, why do people nowadays regard this as not such a big deal?

I may be gay, and I know that gay guys have a reputation of fucking about, but I can proudly say I've never ever cheated on anyone, and have absolutely no intention in doing so.

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