Friday, October 13, 2006


Woosh, I was so terribly exhausted yesterday I didn't really do anything anymore at night. I was supposed to go to this party, but when I got home after work, I just couldn't drag myself outside anymore, so I ordered Chinese and crawled up on the couch, watching some telly. Went to bed early as well, but not of course before I spend some time on the phone with my boyfriend, who I will see again tonight (can't wait for that!!!).

I'm not really sure why I was so tired yesterday. Okay, I did have two long days at work, but it's not like it's real physical demanding work. Most of the day I'm sitting behind a computer and that's it. Maybe I was just tired in my head or something, I don't know. Financial-wise of course it's a good thing to be very tired during the evening, cause when you're staying at home, you're not spending any money right?

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't tired at all anymore, so I guess my very good night's sleep has cured that. I'm at the office now, leaving at five-ish to go to Breda, for another great weekend with my boyfriend. Wish you all a great weekend as well!


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