Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Life without a phone

Disaster struck big time this past weekend. Saturday late in the afternoon, for no apparant reason my cell phone decided it wouldn't function anymore, leaving me with no link to the outside world. I don't about you, but for a gay guy, living without his cell phone is like living without cheesy Top 40 music, in other words: impossible.

So what I did was, yesterday, after two whole days without a phone, I went to the Orange store to get it either fixed or replaced, but no such luck just yet. It turns out I can hand it in so it can be send to the Motorola factory where they can try and fix it. This will leave me without a phone for up to two weeks, which is of course utterly unacceptable. I don't know why the fuck I'm paying for insurance cause this is definitely not the kind of treatment I expected.

Seeing as I don't have a choice though, I went to my friend Dirk, who has two phones, to borrow one of his and put my sim card in it. This will keep me going until Friday, when I can borrow another phone from my boyfriend. I really feel handicapped right now. A lot of my phone memory wasn't on the sim, but on the device itself, so I lost about half of all my friend's phone numbers, not to mention pictures I took of the Madonna concerts.

At least now that I have this other phone, I can be reached, but I will probably not recognise every number, so don't be surprised if I don't know who you are!

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