Friday, October 20, 2006

Land of the free?

NBC decided to be a fucking coward and give in to the ridiculous boycots from the American Family Association to censor Madonna's Confessions Tour broadcast.
Please take the time to go to and send the following e-mail:

Dear NBC,
I hereby wish to express my regrets for not airing Madonna's Confessions Tour in its entirety. By cutting out scenes, such as the crucifixation during Live To Tell, you give in to censorship placed upon you through narrow-minded organisations such as the American Family Association.Living in the Netherlands, I'm very gratefull that such a thing could never happen here. Protest groups have tried to ban the scene from the two Confessions shows in the Amsterdam Arena, without succes. I'm sad to see that in the United States, the supposedly 'land of the free', there turns out to be no such thing as freedom of speech.I urge you kindly to reconsider your decision.
With kind regards,

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