Friday, October 20, 2006

Dude,where's my car

I'm so happy it's Friday again! It's been an extremely busy week at work, and we expect to have an equally hectic time next week, so the weekend will be more than welcome! My boyfriend isn't coming over until tomorrow, so I'm planning on having a nice relaxed evening on my own tonight.

The reason why my boyfriend isn't coming over til Saturday, is that he's picking up his new car as we speak, so he's not going to make it tonight. That's okay though, we'll make up for it tomorrow. I'm anxious to see him again, cause I really miss him, but the thought of seeing him tomorrow makes that more than okay!

Meanwhile, I'm -again- working my ass of today. It seems as if all of our customers need to get in touch with us at the same time, so as you can imagine it's quite a hectic mood over here. Oh well, it will be 6 before we know it!

So, I want to wish everyone a great weekend, and see you guys soon!

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