Friday, September 15, 2006

Thank God it's Friday

Friday morning and I'm not tired anymore. In fact, I can't wait for the weekend, even though it turns out it will be a bit different from what I expected. My boyfriend is having a BBQ from work tomorrow, and he has to help in organising it, so it won't be much use for me to go to Breda tonight. Instead, we'll meet up in Amsterdam on Sunday, where we'll be attending my brother's birthday party. So I guess this means I won't be having any nights with him this weekend, which is a bit of a shame, but does provide an unexpected opportunity to go and visit my parents, which is exactly what I'll be doing.

I don't get to see my parents very often anymore, since I'm away every weekend and working all week. The only times I see hem is when my boyfriend and I visit them together, so I guess it will be nice seeing them alone again finally. Still, I know I'll miss my boyfriend very much this weekend, so I'm glad we do get to see each other on Sunday.

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