Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The end is near

Today marks the day of the final Confessions Tour show, in Tokyo,Japan. I can't believe how fast everything went.... I can still remember so vividly when the tour was announced, so it's hard to realise it will all be over in just a few more hours. Thank God I've seen this wonderful show 4 times, and of course there are bootlegs for now, and an official DVD, filmed at Wembley Arena London in just a couple of months (unless they pull of the same trick as they did with Get Up Lisbon, the Re-Invention Tour live from Portugal, which never surfaced).

I wish I could be there tonight in the Tokyo Dome, but of course the show is sold out and besides, I wouldn't be able to make it there in time. I have only been to general admission shows, so it would be kind of cool to see the show in a seated arena once. Maybe next tour I'll attend a show in London (where there's seating) as well as a couple of shows in Europe (where it's general admission). My boyfriend is looking forward to it already hehe!

One thing Madonna showed us during these fantastic four months: she still is the unmatched Queen of Pop!

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