Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Meet the parents

For some reason I don't really get the hang of it today at work. It was raining like hell this morning so I arrived at the office soaking wet, which is not a very good way to start the day. Two and a half hours later, I'm still a bit wet so I can't wait to take a nice shower and change clothes, but that won't happen untill 5-ish. After work, we're having a function in the form of a BBQ, so that's something to look forward to. I just hope the weather will be dry by that time.

As you can see on the picture I posted yesterday, me and E. had another great weekend. On Friday night we went to Hanneke's graduation party, which marked the first time he met my friends. Thankfully they all liked him very much, so repeat visits are in the cards. On Saturday we went having dinner with my parents, and let me tell you, they didn't like him, they loved him! Of course this made me very happy, and we all got along really good.

Then Saturday evening we watched a movie at my place and then we went clubbing, which was nice, albeit a bit drunken.

We sort of ignored our hangovers on Sunday morning and went out for lunch, after which we climbed the Martinitoren (a large church in Groningen), cause that's the sort of thing one needs to do with a new boyfriend, right?

All in all, another great weekend, but I start sounding a bit like a repeat button by saying so. I can't wait on Friday, to see him again!

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