Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Let's go to the movies

It's been an extremely busy week at work so far, and from the look of it, today's no exeption. We're all on the edge of our feet to get things done, and still we're running behind, so as you can imagine things are stressfull around here. Thankfully yesterday evening my co-worker Ziena threw us a BBQ at her place to cool things down a bit. It turned out to be a great evening, with food, wine and the movie Final Destination 2 (I saw it before, but liked it very much). Of course, an evening BBQ makes it harder to go back to work the day after, but we're all coping.

Tonight, me and Anneke are going to the cinema to watch U 93, the 9/11 movie about the plane that didn't make it to Washington. Not exactly your average pleasant night out, but I really want to see this movie, and besides, it's good to watch something more serious from time to time. Next week we're going to Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, so there's a bit of a contrast. I expect to be shocked by U 93 tonight, but how could you not be, considering the actual events happened just 5 years ago.

Also, going to the movies is a very good escape from my house, which, as of yesterday, has a strong resemblance with Hiroshima after the A-bomb fell. My housemate decided to take on both the toilet and the shower, so it's a total mess of construction tools. Looks like I'm living in a fucking Office Depot, so I try to not be at home as much as I can. I sure hope this mess will be cleaned up soon, and a new beautifull bathroom will rise from it!

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