Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Busy but happy

It's noon and this is the first moment today I actually have time to do something else than running around full of stress. It has been an extremely busy morning at work, but thank God things are cooling down a bit now. This afternoon I have to train some people, which is quite fun and not stressfull at all, so that will sorta compensate for this morning.

Yesterday after work I went to a pub with Anneke, where we had a few drinks. It was a great evening. Anneke and I don't see each other as much as we used to, mostly because of our jobs and boyfriends, but when we do meet up, we're always in for a fun evening.

After the drinks, E. and I talked on the phone for quite some time, which was, as always, very good! Even though we get to see each other during weekends only, the phone brings us close to each other each day. And after all, I'll see him again in just two days, so I have no reason to complain at all. I'm just so damn happy with him I'd like to see him every day. Oh well, who knows what the future will bring! Maybe one day I'll move to Breda, you never know...

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