Friday, June 23, 2006


It's Friday, so tonight, right after work,I'll hop in my co-worker Ziena's car and head for Breda, where E. and I will spend the entire weekend together! I'm thrilled, cause it's been 4 days since I last saw him, and I miss him a lot. We talked on the phone yesterday and decided that tonight we're just going to rent a movie and lay on the couch together and cuddle up.

Then tomorrow we'll probably go to Antwerpen for some shopping and drinking, which is also very nice. Come to think of it, it's just great to be in his company, so no matter what we're doing, I'm 100% sure we'll have a fantastic time!

Isn't it great how much you can grow attached to someone in just 4 weeks time? I feel like I know E. for a lot longer now, and I'm thinking about him constantly when we're not around each other. I really do believe he's the best boyfriend I've ever had, and I'm totally crazy about him.

So, of course this means I won't be around for posting this weekend, but I'm sure you can forgive me for that! Have a great weekend, cause I know I will!

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