Thursday, November 9, 2006

Working 9 to 5

It has been extremely hectic all week at work, up to the point where I'm getting fed up with it. It seems as if I can't get anything done properly because of all kinds of extra duties coming in between. And as if it wasn't enough, people are asking me stupid questions they could be answering themselves just as easy all day long. I can't wait for the weekend to begin, I can tell you that much!

To compensate, I'm doing fun things in the evenings this week. On Monday I had Michael coming over to watch Madonna dvds, on Thuesday I had a beer with Leendert, and yesterday evening I had dinner with my sister and my brother in law. Of course, my little nephew was there as well, and he's really turning into a big guy, even though he's only a year and a half. He's just adorable!

Tomorrow, after work, I'll take the train and travel to Breda to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. He has bought himself an extra dvd player so that we can watch movies in bed as well now. It promises to be another relaxed weekend without clubbing or anything. I like that, after a hectic week there's nothing better than staying indoors and just relax.

Back to work for me, the more I do, the sooner this week will be over. Cheers!

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