Monday, November 6, 2006

Planning ahead

My boyfriend and decided yesterday that we're going to spend New Years Eve in Antwerpen this year, which wil be my first time celebrating it outside of Holland. Sounds pretty cool! I love the city cause it seems to have a much more relaxed atmosphere than most Dutch cities (although that might be just a tourist point of view), so celebrating a big time like New Years Eve will most likely be a blast!

The only thing of course is, that being in a foreign country also means my cell phone will be in a foreign country, therefor creating huge bills if I am to wish everyone a happy new year. I guess I will have to do that upfront and then switch off my phone while I'm there. Anyway, it's two months to go, so no use worrying about that already.

At the moment, I'm pretty busy at work, doing loads of reports for the management team. I always enjoy doing that on Monday, as it makes the time go by a lot faster than it does on other days. I wouldn't have believed myself a couple of years ago, but I actually do enjoy drawing up reports very much. It's good to be the first one in the company to see how we're doing!

After work, I'm having a quick bite to eat and then I have to clean up a bit, cause Michael is coming over to watch my Fresno bootleg DVD of Madonna's Confessions Tour. Amazing how I can still find people willing to watch it with me! Anyway, I guess it will be a nice evening!

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