Friday, October 27, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

As I mentioned Wednesday, I went to the movies with Anneke. We were really looking forward to seeing The Devil Wears Prada, and as it turned out, it was worth every penny! What a great movie! I can urge you all to go and see this one, cause without a doubt you'll be laughing your ass off! Merel Streep really deserves to win an Oscar for her role of the bitchy editor in chief of Runway magazine (which is of course a huge 'fuck you' towards Anna Wintour from Vogue Magazine). SHe plays her role really believable and actually made me like her character, despite (or maybe because) of her bad behaviour.

Sounds like I'm sharing box office grosses with all the praise I'm doing here, but it's just so that very rarely I see a movie that I'm instantly totally enthousiastic about, and this is one of them. Can't wait for the DVD!

So, get your lazy ass up from behind your computer, and go to the cinema. I promise you'll have fun!

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