Thursday, August 17, 2006

Good things happening

Since yesterday, my boyfriend is back from his holiday in Austria, so naturally we spend almost the entire evening on the phone together. I can't wait for Friday, when I see him again, cause I've really missed him so unbelievably much. I haven't seen him for two weeks now, so it's about time too!

I'm going to be with him from Friday till Monday, after which I'll go to Arnhem, where Annelies will pick me up on the way to Hannover, to see our first Confessions Tour show (by Madonna of course). I'm having three weeks off for these shows, and will spend most of my time in between with E., so it's going to be a great time no doubt!

Then tonight, I'm having a dinner party with my co-workers, so that promises to be a good evening as well!.

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