Monday, July 3, 2006

I'm up in a cloud

Maybe my regular readers have noticed that somehow I manage to get back from every weekend even more happy than the weekend before. Well, today's no exception! I've had a fantastic weekend again with E., and again, I couldn't be more happy.

It all started last Thursday, when I got home from work early and went straight to Den Bosch, where E. was to pick me up to go to his brother's birthday diner. Public transportation was a total mess so I arrived pretty late, but fortunately enough just in time for the festivities. As it turned out, the diner was held in this really posh restaurant. At first I was a bit scared I wouldn't quite fit in, but as it turned out, this wasn't a problem at all and it was to become a very nice evening with absolutely lovely food. We drove home at about 1 and were pretty much exhausted.

On Friday undortunately E. had to work for a while, so I went to town and was just fucking about a bit in order to kill time. When E. got home we went to the big party (still because of his brother's birthday) which was, like a couple of weeks ago, a garden party in lovely weather. We spend the night at his brother's place and the next morning we had out breakfast there, after which we left for Arnhem to see some of his friends. Because it was such a hot day, afterwards we weren't really able to do anything anymore, so we went to bed as early as 8 PM.

Sunday we went to visit the gorgeous city of Cologne, which was absolutely a smash hit on my part. I've never been there before, and I couldn't believe my eyes how beautiful everything was. Also, it was just so great to go out for a day with E. So, when we got back from Colgone we took a quick shower and went to a terrace for a drink in Breda and then straight to bed.

This morning I had to get up hellish early since I had to head back to Groningen for I needed to work. As you can imagine I wasn't quite happy, but you know, fairytales can't last forever and besides, this Friday E. is coming to my place so we see each other very soon again. Still, I already miss him, and can't wait to call him this evening.

All in all, another perfect weekend in paradise!

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