Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The last day

Today will be the last day I will actually live in my old house. I've paid rent until the end of September so technically I can still be here as much as I'd like, but obviously there's no need, since all my stuff will be in my new appartment as of tomorrow. It's going to be a busy day today, finishing off the last rounds of packing. I'm taking everything with me, except my computer. My internet connection has not been fixed yet, so in order to be able to check my email (and, of course, post here), I'm letting my computer stay in the old house for as long as possible. When all goes right, I will have a connection at the new place by October 1st, but seeing this is an internet service provider we're talking about, I'm not counting on it.

Meanwhile, at this moment my house is looking like Hiroshima. There's debris and boxes everywhere. I never really thought about it that when you clean out a closet but don't have anywhere to put the boxes, the mess will be twice as large, as the empty closet stays in it's place, but will be joined by huge boxes of stuff. I can hardly walk in my living room anymore. Good thing all of this will be moved tomorrow. I can't wait to start filling my closets again at the new appartment.

Well, it's back to packing boxes for me. I intend to keep my stereo unpacked today for as long as possible, so that I can still enjoy some music while being busy. That means I'll have to work my way around it, which is what I'm going to do right now.

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